Cause Sickness

An evil spell from the Necronomicon:

...and this they would chant over a doll of wax as it was burning in their wicked cauldrons. And in these things they took great delight, and still do where they are to be found at their shrines of loathsomeness.

AZAG galra sagbi mu unna te
NAMTAR galra zibi mu unna te
UTUK XUL gubi mu unna te
ALA XUL gabi mu unna te
GIDIM XUL ibbi mu unna te
GALLA XUL kadbi mu unna te
DINGIR XUL girbi mu unna te
I minabi-ene tashbi aba aba-andibbi-esh!

Remarks by the NECROLORD:
It seems to be a very cool spell if someone doesn`t like you! I have never tried this
spell, but if someone makes me very angry...

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